Microscopic cocktails
If you have often wondered what exactly lies within the various beverages that make our favorite alcoholic drinks, then here is your ‘micro’-answer. These cocktails are blown up to 1,000 times under a high-tech laboratory microscope, magnifying the molecules and kaleidoscopic colors created by the different combinations.
Read More →Purr, purr, drink, drink
As all cat lovers know well, Felis domestica is a marvel of balance, subtlety and other hidden elegances. One such elegance, but also daunting phenomenon, is the ability of the Felis to drink (unlike a dog) while keeping its chin and whiskers pleasingly dry. Four scientists of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have learned the […]
Read More →Snowflakes under the microscope
No snowflake the is the same. This fact is being cited often, especially while it’s winter again and Europe is under the spell of this white monster. Interestingly, looking closely enough, the snowflake is fascinating. Photo’s: akirathedon.com
Read More →A Supercell Thunderstorm
Although it may seem like an alien mothership, it’s actually a impressive thunderstorm cloud called a supercell. Such colossal storm systems center on mesocyclones — rotating updrafts that can span several kilometers and deliver torrential rain and high winds including tornadoes. Jagged sculptured clouds adorn the supercell’s edge, while wind swept dust and rain dominate […]
Read More →A skate regeneration
A couple of amazing skate footages from the extremely talented freestyle skateboarding Kilian Martin and director Brett Novak. httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mgFdn4lfrE httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk-5FCiKeTk httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDH6Q22d1zo
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